I enjoyed this race last year, but for some reason didn’t
end up registering until a few days before – so late that there was a distinct
risk of not getting a t-shirt, and as you are probably aware, the only reason
to do these things is to get a t-shirt to prove I actually did do the thing…..
Each race I do in this part of the world, I am guaranteed to
know at least a handful of people – this was no exception. From Tammy
volunteering at the registration desk (who would also run as sweep), Laura,
Lauren, Daniel, Bill, probably someone who I forgot (but you get the point).
And I really like this aspect of our sport – and even if I didn’t know anyone
at the beginning of the race, I am pretty much guaranteed to know someone by
the time the day is done.
So, how did my day go? Pretty well actually – thanks for
asking. I did go into the race with somewhat high expectations of what I would
achieve; I have been running well, slogging through the heat and humidity of
the NC summer, this was going to be my first cool run, and an opportunity to
see how well my endurance levels had improved through the summer. So, yeah, I
definitely thought there would be some pressure on my 50K PR (5:35 from Derby
last November). I told one friend that my “WTF??
LOL dream-time” would be sub 5:30.
As the race got underway, I just felt on top of the world,
and each mile was going by at quite a few seconds under 10 mins per mile – even
after a pit stop 5 miles in, I was managing to remain below that average.
As the journey continued, my pace kept creeping up, mile
after mile went by quicker than the mile before it, and before long, the first
13.1 mile split came up – just under 2:04. That’s good; I think I have only
done one or two actual half-marathons with that kind of time.
It was at this point I made a decision to just keep
hammering away until I fell apart – sooner or later it would happen, I wanted
to find out when. So I pushed the pace. I hit the halfway point at 2:23 or so,
and felt incredible. I started to believe that today I was going to see a
performance that would be special. It was around about then that I saw Laura
coming the other way after the turnaround – I estimated that she was probably
about 1.5-2 miles ahead of me – she was second place female at that point, and
was looking strong – in all honesty, to be that close to someone of Laura’s
caliber at that point in a race was yet another sign that I was having a good
About a mile or so from the turnaround |
After the turnaround, I ran with Stephen for a while.
Stephen is another Raleigh area runner, and even though we have ran many of the
same races, we had not actually met before. Even at this stage, the average
pace was increasing.
I saw Lauren coming the other way –– Lauren is just coming
back from an injury, and it looked as though everything was going well for her,
and when I stopped to take a picture, Stephen went on his way and I couldn’t
catch up to him again.
Lauren approaching the turnaround |
And here s the picture Lauren took of me taking a picture of her..... |
As the miles went by, three things started to emerge as
possibilities, 1) Not only a PR, but a sub 5-hr 50k (WTF?? LOL!) 2) A PR for a
marathon (WTF?? LOL!) 3) and a sub 2-hr split for my second 13.1 – (another
By 25 miles, 1) and 2) were now a given (subject to not
having a catastrophic failure), 3) was borderline. So I pushed the pace up a
notch to see if I could do it. I did – barely, I think it was 1:59:40. Marathon
split 4:03:xx. Hindsight being 20:20, I wouldn’t have done that almost sprint
(LOL), because it was a stretch and it did take me out of my comfort zone. The
result of that being I really felt the after effects of that extra push for the
rest of the race, and I couldn’t quite get back up to the pace I was holing so
well up to about mile 25. I started to walk a few yards every half mile – even
doing that though I was still maintaining a reasonable pace, but I was barely
hanging on.
By miles 28/29 or so, I was very tired, I had been up since
4am, and that combined with the overall effort for the day was taking its toll.
Time to get the thing done, I was fading fast. It looked like my time was going
to end up between 4:50 and 4:55, which delighted me.
I came across the finish line in 4:52:12 – Laura took this
picture. Lots of smiles. More smiles later when I learned that Laura had
finished as first place female. Congratulations.
Yay.... Awesomeness! (Picture by Laura) |
OK, I can be a little superstitious, sometimes strangely so.
When I looked at the official results, the perso who finished immediately
before me – his name began with a “J”, and so did the three people immediately
behind me. That’s just weird, 5 J’s in a row out of just 100 or so finishers?
What makes it especially spooky is that my big race this fall is Javelina
Jundred – often shortened to JJ. I am taking this as a sign from the UltraGods.
So yay for the ‘J’s’!
Annette Bednosky, the RD asks
a good question on her blog.
Basically it would appear that this is a first time ultra for many of the
participants, and apparently some people were questioning the lack of age group
awards, finishers medals etc. I know that Annette would welcome feedback; so,
here is my opinion for what it is worth…… I think in general, races are way
more enjoyable when an RD puts on a race that he or she would like to run,
their own dream race so to speak – and as a runner, that ultimately means that
I get a race that puts the runners first (as opposed to profits, sponsors, expo
exhibitors, the park/city etc.,). The
New River Trail 50k is I am sure a race that Annette would like to run – fast,
environmentally friendly, homemade goodies, using local suppliers, beautiful
scenery etcetera. I like the idea of
random drawings for a ‘door prize’ (despite not winning AGAIN!) instead of age
group awards (I wouldn't win those either :)), I like the Patagonia shirt. I regret that I didn’t enter early
enough to get the pottery instead of the Nathan bottle (not that there is
anything wrong with the Nathan bottle), that’s my fault though, but I do like
the fact that there would have been a choice.
When I finished, I received a handshake, a hug, and a
‘congratulations’ from the RD, who was genuinely pleased for my PR’s – who also
happens to be an ultrarunner whose achievements I admire greatly. Don’t me
wrong, I love bling and would never turn it down, but that meant a lot more
than a medal. I was greeted at the finish line by the smiling faces of friends
and volunteers and race director, and I celebrated my personal triumph with an
awesome homemade chili, with fresh baked sourdough bread. Annette, I am pretty
sure this is the kind of race you would like, after all, it has your hallmark
all over it – keep it your way, keep it as a race that you would like to run, because
if you do that, people like me will continue to flock to your race – and I hope
you think that’s a good thing.
Laura and I with bananas -- kinda like Hinson :)
Picture by Lauren |
Three happy finisher, Lauren, Jimbo and Laura
(Picture by Chad) |